
World war 1, started on Jun 28th 1914, It was beautiful Sunday morning when Francis Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary visited Sarajevo, Serbia. As his car drove along the path of Sarajevo 19 years old Gavrillo Pincip, the member of terrorist/nationalist called “Black hand” stopped the car and shot Archduke and his wife.

This assassination happened in Sarajevo became a spark of the World War 1. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for assassination of their Archduke and they declared war with little Slavic nations. This Austria-Hungary’s decision of attacking Slavic nations became a bigger spark of World War 1. After the declaration of war between Austria-Hungary and Slavic nation, the alliance domino starts to take place between Triple Entente (alliance between Russia, France and Britain) and Central powers (alliance Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy who did not fought). Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary because they were also a Slavic nation, they supported Serbia. Austria-Hungary asked Germany for help, and Germany declared war with Russia on August 1st 1914. France, alliance with Russia had declared war with Germany on August 3rd 1914. Since now Germany has France on east and Russia on west, German general, Alfred Graf von Schlieffen created a plan called “Schliemann plan” where they would circle around the Belgium and France to get rid of the east so they can now only focus to the Russia on the west. German troops went to Belgium in order to access France but the Germans did not know that Belgium and Britain was allies. Britain had promised Belgium to protect in a treaty signed so Britain went to France on August 4th and Fought with Germans in Belgium. And then Canada joined because back in that time Canada wasn’t fully independent they were part of Britain. 

In my opinion I think the blame goes to Austria because they could’ve find better way to solve this problem. Declaring war with slavic nations which caused domino affect and resulted WW1. Declaring war wasn’t necessary, they could’ve found lots of different ways to make Serbia to pay for what they have done.